Conrad Kacsik Blog

Nadcap Merit Status – Should You Get It?

Nov 1, 2022 4:46:59 PM / by Jason Schulze posted in Nadcap, Nadcap Audit


Earning Nadcap accreditation can be an expensive, long and difficult process in the first place. Even after that, suppliers need to be reaccredited through audits every 12 months. That is unless you have something called “merit” or “merit status.”

Read More Nadcap Merit Status – Should You Get It?

AC7102 Nadcap Checklist Review: Part 1

Jan 12, 2022 3:15:07 PM / by Jason Schulze posted in Nadcap, Nadcap Audit, heat treating, ac7102


Understanding Nadcap Heat-Treating Checklist AC7102: Part 1

Understanding the Nadcap checklists is key when performing internal audits as well as general conformance.

Editor’s note: This is the first of a six-part series of articles that will deconstruct the requirements of AC7102. 

Read More AC7102 Nadcap Checklist Review: Part 1

COVID-19’s Effect on PRI/Nadcap

Nov 22, 2021 3:28:18 PM / by Jason Schulze posted in Nadcap, Nadcap Audit, covid-19, coronavirus, Aerospace


COVID-19’s Effect on PRI/Nadcap

While the aerospace industry pushes through the pandemic, it is important that the highest levels of quality are maintained throughout all Nadcap-accredited processes.

Read More COVID-19’s Effect on PRI/Nadcap

Nadcap Certification Takes Company to New Heights

Feb 6, 2020 4:22:42 PM / by Conrad Kacsik posted in Nadcap Certification, Nadcap Audit


Byington Steel Treating, Inc. offers a full range of metal treating services in the Bay Area. Founded in 1952, Byington has been delighting customers and improving its operations for three generations of family ownership.

Read More Nadcap Certification Takes Company to New Heights