Conrad Kacsik Blog

AMS2750F Presents Thermocouple Definition Change: Expendable vs Nonexpendable

Jul 29, 2020 1:36:46 PM / by Jason Schulze

Ceramic-spacers-for-thermocouple-wireAMS2750F now presents a different definition of expendable versus nonexpendable thermocouples. As a thermocouple supplier, we feel it is important to keep our clients informed as to the details of these changes.


AMS2750F now states that expendable thermocouples are “sensors where any portion of the thermal elements are exposed to the thermal processing equipment environment.” This definition change will significantly impact those suppliers who use an exposed hot junction to achieve elevated sensitivity as well as those that use ceramic spacers to insert the positive and negative leg of bare thermocouple wire.

For more information, please contact us and consider attending our AMS2750 training course, Principles of Pyrometry.


AMS2750F ahora presenta una definición distinta sobre lo que se considera un
termopar fungible y un termopar no fungible. Como proveedor de termopares,
consideramos que es muy importante mantener a nuestros clientes informados acerca
de los detalles detras de este cambio.

AMS2750F ahora indica que los termopares fungibles son “sensores que tienen
sus elementos térmicos expuestos, en cualquier sección, a la temperatura del proceso”.
Este cambio de definición impacta significativamente a todos los proveedores que usan
juntas calientes (hot junctions) para aumentar la sensibilidad, y a quienes usan
espaciadores de cerámica para insertar alambres positivos y negativos sin blindaje.

Para mayor información, por favor comuníquese a nuestra oficina o atienda al
curso de Principios de Pirometría que ofrece Conrad Kacsik.


Topics: Nadcap, AMS2750, Pyrometry

Jason Schulze

Written by Jason Schulze

Jason Schulze is the director of technical services at Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems, Inc. As a metallurgical engineer with 20-plus years in aerospace, he assists potential and existing Nadcap suppliers in conformance as well as metallurgical consulting. He is contracted by PRI Training as a Lead Instructor to teach multiple PRI courses, including pyrometry, RCCA and Checklists Review for heat treat. Jason is also a voting member on two AMEC committees. Contact him at