Conrad Kacsik Blog

AMS2750F Has Arrived!

Jun 30, 2020 3:19:30 PM / by Jason Schulze

AMS2750F has arrived. With the industry having a limited amount of time to implement
the changes in full, Conrad Kacsik is working hard to keep our customers informed. Our
customers have depended on Conrad Kacsik to be their technical guide throughout the many changes AMS2750 has gone through and we are proud to be doing it again.

We will be posting some of the changes to AMS2750 as well as informing our customers of the different training options Conrad Kacsik has to offer. These include private sessions, public sessions as well as focused web-based sessions to help our customers understand the changes and implement them successfully. To see our training schedule or inquire about a private course, please visit



Ya se publicó AMS2750F. La industria cuenta con un tiempo muy limitado para implementar estos cambion, es por ello que Conrad Kacsik esta trabajando arduamente para brindar la información más actualizada a sus clientes. Nuestros clientes dependen de nosotros como sus guías técnicos a través de todos los cambios por los que ha pasado AMS2750 y nos enorgullece continuar haciendolo.

Estaremos publicando algunos de los cambios de AMS2750 así como informando a nuestros clientes sobre las distintas opciones de entrenamiento que estaremos ofreciendo. Entre las opciones de entrenamiento se incluirán sesiones privadas y públicas, así como sesiones web diseñadas con el fin de ayudar a nuestros clientes a comprender los cambios e implementarlos exitosamente. Para ver nuestro programa de sesiones o para solicitor información sobre sesiones privadas, por favor visite


Topics: Nadcap, AMS2750, Pyrometry

Jason Schulze

Written by Jason Schulze

Jason Schulze is the director of technical services at Conrad Kacsik Instrument Systems, Inc. As a metallurgical engineer with 20-plus years in aerospace, he assists potential and existing Nadcap suppliers in conformance as well as metallurgical consulting. He is contracted by PRI Training as a Lead Instructor to teach multiple PRI courses, including pyrometry, RCCA and Checklists Review for heat treat. Jason is also a voting member on two AMEC committees. Contact him at